Kingsley Wen

Software Engineer

Kingsley Qian Wen

Hi. My name is Kingsley Qian Wen. I graduated with a Bachelor degree of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin.

Over the years, I lay a solid foundation in coding and continuously refined my programming skills in School and at the Bank of Amerfica. I am specialized in Web development using React, NodeJS, Python, Java and GoLang. I am also proficient in Big data analysis using Scala, Python and Spark. In addition, I have also exposed myself to the Embedded System programming and developed a War of Tank game console. Besides my software
development experience, I have taken computer architecture and developed my version of the LC-3b assembler and simulator.

I am a very passionate person who always seeks challenges. I am naturally curious about new things, so I always challenge myself to learn and be good at something new. At the same time, I worked hard as a good model to motivate my teammates. These will help me work efficiently in a team and dedicate to my future career.

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